Some of Our
Current Water System and Wastewater System Customers
Timberline Lodge

The iconic Timberline Lodge and ski area is located at 6000 feet of elevation on the side of Mt Hood. Over 2,000,000 guests a year use the ski area. The Lodge is serviced by a 110,000 gallon per day sewer treatment plant. The drinking water system pumps water from one horizontal well over 1000 feet up the side of the mountain. Chlorine injection and ph adjustment takes place for disinfection and corrosion control. During low water conditions water is pumped directly from a creek and must be treated to meet 3 log (99.9) removal of Cryptosporidium and Giardia through micron filtration.
Timberline Rim

The Tim Rim Community located in Rhododendron Oregon consists of 415 homes, 25,000 feet of mainline, a 250,000 gallon reservoir, remote SCADA monitoring system, and two wells. The main well is a 300 gpm flowing artesian.
Pete’s Mountain

Pete’s Mountain located in unincorporated Clackamas County Oregon has 85 homes, 20,000 feet of mainline, a 130,000 gallon reservoir, 2 1000 foot water wells with 60hp submersible pumps, multiple booster pumps and pressure zones throughout the system.
ZigZag Village

ZigZag Village located in ZigZag Oregon, is a community of 75 homes, with a 100,000-gallon reservoir, wastewater lift station, wastewater package plant, and lagoon.
Hidden Meadows

Hidden Meadows located in Newberg Oregon is a residential community of 34 homes. The water system uses chemical injection to adjust ph, and residual chlorine disinfection, remote monitoring of ph and chlorine.
Abiqua Academy

Abiqua Academy, a k through 12 school, was dealing with elevated levels of lead and copper in their drinking water and brought Merrill Water Systems on board to oversee their drinking water system to bring it back into compliance with lead and copper maximum contamination levels through a corrosion control program.
Wunder Mobile Home

Located in Sandy Oregon, Wunder Mobile Home Park is a 33 space mobile home park.
Call for INFO: 503-734-7400
Call for INFO: 503-734-7400